These are the things I want to tell to postgraduate students as I see the truths behind being a postgraduate student.

Having a Ph.D degree is not a ticket for you to get a job. I just realise that the chance I will ever get to join a public university as a lecturer is like <10 %. That’s sooo thin.

These are some pointers I’d like to share based on my experience:

  1. Improve your English proficiency. Seriously. It’s a sad truth, but the first impression is always important, and that is your English.
  2. Publishing papers is more important than reading without writing.
  3. Manage your time, and try your best to graduate on time. Usually, the organisations that will hire you are concerned about GRADUATE-ON-TIME, especially if you hunt for a job in a university.
  4. Excel academically, but get active in university societies (faculty level, at least) too; so, you beautify your resumé. Organize and attend workshops if possible. This, too, would assist you in your study and career later.
  5. Your attitude to others matters; but, you don’t have to please everyone. Build a good relationship with your supervisor and labmates. But, never take it too much because some will just use you. Just. Be. Careful.
  6. Be active, bold, and dominant. No one cares if you are weak.
  7. Make sure your social media is neat, contains good posts and not complaints.

Being good in academics is a must for postgraduate students. But, it is still not enough if you want to use your certificate to hunt for a job. Unless you just want to gain “knowledge”.

Nur Nabihah