I hope my story will inspire others to complete your study and strive for success.
I thought it was impossible to finish my study.
My doctorate journey is not smooth and full of tribulations. Obviously, i am not GOT candidate.
I have completed my Master in 2013 and defer my doctorate for a year as i had precious pregnancy after 8+ years of marriage (failed 6 attempt). Miracle baby indeed during my Master and naturally conceived.
Then, during early year of my doctorate study, i was shock with my divorce after 10 years of marriage. At that time i was strunggling to focus on my baby, study, work, family, and myself. I feel so down and demotivated. And of course its the starting point of the court cases (haven’t settle till now)… Tried to be strong and keep everything to myself. It was not easy.
After months, alhamdulillah i was able to be back on track on my study and start my data collection (at slow pace). And i told my sv what actually happen to me. The progression of my study was very slow. Tried to concentrate on my study but i just couldnt. Then, my HLP was terminated (as i couldnt GOT) and was posted to Sarawak.
To cut short i remarried with a man who understand me (my responsibility at work and study) and at least my daughter has a father figure. Court cases in between. Then, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. During that period, i just focus on my mom’s health solely. In between, i had 3 cycles of Ivf which end up with miscarriage and failed.
I can’t submit my thesis a bit earlier due to MCO and i was working in Sarawak as frontliner.
But, Alhamdulillah, all the sweat and tears finally paid off. I have passed my viva on 28.10.2020 and manage to submit the hard bound thesis on 29.12.2020. I won’t be able to achieve it without my parents doas, and support from my precious daughter, family, friends, and this DSG group.
Thank you guys. 😊
*Never ever give up.. Its our shoes not others.
Resilience is the key. U can do it.
Happy New Year 2021


Nini Shapie

[UPDATED] You may watch her sharing session entitled ‘Divorce, Court Visits, Remarried, Cancer and Many Others, This Strong Mother Finally Passed Her PhD!’ here: