Thank you for all of the supports and encouragement you have given me during my PhD journey.
Started in 2013, took 1-year deferment in 2015 due to financial constraints when the inflation happened in Malaysia. But at the same time got accepted in the fellowship at the University of Geneva in 2015. It was the hardest time ever during my study. But, I have been so blessed to have Supervisors who have been so patient and supportive; thank you so much Prof. Madya Dr. Shahizan and Dr. Azul M. Salleh for your motivation and spirits during my ups and downs the past 5 years! I couldn’t ask for more!

Relocating to the USA in 2019 after getting married, and kept writing my thesis despite of the distance and temptation to quit. Finally, just today I passed the Viva Voce with Minor Corrections!

Alhamdulillah.. Allah SWT answered my prayers and hard work for these 6 years of the life journey on doing the PhD.
To everyone who still in the process.. Keep the faith! Never give up. Everything will be beautifully done at the exact time.
So inspiring!